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Why do Dogs need Walks?

Dog walking not only provides help to maintain a dog’s fitness but it is also incredibly important for both your pup’s mental and physical health and wellness too. There are so many benefits of dog walking for our furry family members, and as a dog owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure your dog is getting enough exercise each day. 

It also helps to provide mental stimulation and prevent boredom and destructive behaviours. If you own a dog, you’ll know just how happy they get hearing walkies! 

We have a lot to learn from dogs when it comes to their enthusiasm to get outdoors - just think back to the days when you were first training your dog to walk on a lead. Dogs try to take charge and lead the way, desperately excited to explore their surroundings. As curious creatures, they sniff and peer here, there and everywhere to discover new sights, smells and sounds as they go.

Most dogs love to run too. As soon as they are let off the lead and are able to roam free, you’ll find they pick up the pace. Like us, dogs release endorphins during exercise, which means walking your pup can help it to feel happy. 

As well as this, dog walking is crucial for their social development.


How long should you walk a dog for?

The amount of exercise your dog needs depends on its breed, size, age, temperament and predisposition to exercise. As a general guide, dogs tend to benefit from 30 minutes to 2 hours of physical activity per day. 

Different breeds have varying energy levels and exercise requirements, so it’s important to research the individual needs of the dog you own. There are three main energy level categories, including: 

  • Low energy: These breeds require anywhere from 30 - 60 minutes of exercise per day.

  • Moderate energy: For moderate energy level dogs, 40 - 70 minutes of exercise or more is recommended.

  • High energy: These dogs suit people with an active lifestyle. They benefit from 1 - 3 hours of exercise per day.

If you aren’t sure what’s best for your pup, use a dog exercise calculator to find out. 

How many walks a day for a dog?

When it comes to how many walks you should do per day with your dog, the recommended number is between 1 to 3 walks. How often you walk your dog can be worked around your schedule, so long as your dog is receiving the correct amount of daily exercise required for its breed. Walking your dog twice a day is preferable, and lots of people tend to outsource a walker when they find themselves with busier schedules.


Can you walk a dog too much?

Yes, you can. Over exercising can result in negative physical impacts on your dog, so it’s important to watch out for signs that you’re walking your dog too much. Keep an eye out for:

  • Sore muscles and stiffness after physical activity 

  • Signs of exhaustion post-walk 

  • Slowing down or lagging during walks 

  • Excessive panting

What is the best time of day to walk a dog?

There is no single, set time of the day that’s best to walk your dog, but there are lots of different factors to consider when choosing your dog’s walking schedule. It’s important to give your dog a steady routine and aim to walk them around the same time each day. 

Walking your dog in the morning provides a number of benefits, allowing it to release its energy early in the day. An evening walk can also offer advantages and help dogs with sleeping through the night. Other factors to consider are:

  • ☀️  Hot weather: Lots of breeds are predisposed to heat exhaustion, so it’s important to think about the temperature before heading out for a long walk. 

  • 💦  Hydration: To prevent your dog getting dehydrated during walks, remember to take a dog travel bottle or collapsible water bowl with you, making time for water breaks as you go. 

  • ❄️ Cold weather: In the winter, cold and icy surfaces can damage dogs’ footpads, and the grit laid down to help melt snow can also be toxic, causing their paws pain. Because of this, it’s important to take extra care when cleaning feet once home. 

Should I walk my dog the same route each day?

Though you should aim to walk your dog around the same time each day, it’s important to try new routes and find unfamiliar places to explore. By choosing different locations, you are enriching your dog’s walking experience mentally and physically, increasing their excitement. 

Credit to BarcLondon


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